Our Lady, Queen of the Rosary
Feast Day October 7
Tradition holds that Our Lady gave the Rosary to Saint Dominic Guzman in 1206 as a form of gospel-preaching and popular prayer. Through the years, Our Lady has re-affirmed her approval of this devotion, and her pleasure in the title "Queen of the Rosary." To Blessed Alan, she made fifteen promises to those who devoutly recite her beads.
Our Lady's promises are:
- Those who shall have served me constantly by reciting the Rosary shall receive some special grace.
- I promise my special protection and great graces to all who devoutly recite my Psalter.
- The Rosary shall be a most powerful armor against hell; it shall destroy vices, weaken sin, overthrow unbelief.
- It shall make virtues and good works to flourish again; it shall obtain for souls abundant mercies of God; it shall win the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and life them to a desire of things eternal. Oh, how many souls will be sanctified by this means!
- The soul which has recourse to me through the Rosary shall not perish.
- Whoever shall have recited the Rosary devoutly and with meditation on its mysteries, shall never be overcome by misfortunes, shall not experience the anger of God, shall not be lost by a sudden death; but if he be in sin he shall be converted; and if he be in grace, he shall persevere and be made worth of eternal life.
- Truly devoted servants of my Rosary shall not die without the Sacraments.
- It is my will that those who recite my Rosary have, in life and in death, light and the plenitude of graces; and in life and death, may participate in the merits of the saints.
- Every day I deliver from Purgatory souls devoted to my Rosary.
- True servants of my Rosary shall enjoy great glory in heaven.
- Whatever you shall ask through the Rosary, you shall obtain.
- I will assist in every necessity those who propagate my Rosary.
- I have obtained from my Son that all members of the Confraternity of my Rosary may have in life and in death all the blessed as their associated.
- All who recite my Rosary are my children and the brethren of my Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ.
- Devotion to my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.
Our Lady told Blessed Bartolo Longo to propagate the Rosary, and promised that those who would propagate this devotion would be saved. In 1884, Our Lady of Pompeii appeared at Naples to Fortuna Agrelli, who was desperately ill. She told Fortuna that the title "Queen of the Holy Rosary" was one which was particularly pleasing to her, and cured Fortuna of her illness. At Lourdes, Our Lady told St. Bernadette to pray many rosaries. When Bernadette saw the beautiful lady, she instinctively took her Rosary in her hands and knelt down. The lady made a sign of approval with her head, and took into her hands a Rosary which hung on her right arm. As Bernadette prayed, Our Lady passed the beads of her Rosary through her fingers, but said nothing except the Gloria at the end of each decade. At Fatima, Mary told the children to pray the Rosary often.